Do Elm Trees have Flowers?
An elm tree is a beautiful addition to your backyard with its large canopy. There are around 35 species of elms, each having its unique features, uses, and benefits. It can make your garden look lush green due to its attractive foliage.
Please read below to find out more about the Elm tree’s flowers.
Do Elm trees have flowers?
Different species of elm trees produce different kinds of flowers and fruits. Some of the popular ones are:
Camperdown Elm Tree
A Camperdown elm tree, native to the United Kingdom, has a thick and dense crown with green foliage and twisted downward-growing branches. It’s also known as the Weeping elm. During spring, the dome of this tree is covered with small flowers, turning the canopy from dark green to silvery green.
Cherry Bark Elm Tree
Also called Marn elm, this variety comes from the Asiatic Himalayan regions of Pakistan and Western India. It grows under full sun and produces elliptic mild green leaves. You can see its densely-clustered wind-pollinated flowers in April and May.
European White Elm Tree
European White elm trees are mostly found in European regions around the floodplains and the river banks. Its other common names are Stately elm, Spreading elm, and Fluttering elm. It produces glossy asymmetric dark green foliage. You can see its bright red wind-pollinated flowers in early spring from March to April.
Cedar Elm Tree
Also called Texas cedar elm, southern rock elm, and scrub elm, a Cedar elm is native to South Central North America. You can find it in the US states of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana. It has a scaly bark, drooping branches, and rough dark green leaves that are some of the smallest leaves of elms. Late summer or early fall is the right time to see its gorgeous purple-reddish flowers. They’re quite small, and you need to look carefully to notice them.
Siberian Elm
Also called the dwarf elm and Asiatic elm, this tree is native to Central Asia, Korea, Tibet, Mongolia, eastern Siberia, east Russia, and India. It’s a tenacious variety as it can grow anywhere. You can see its wind-pollinated flowers blooming in early spring.
Chinese Elm Tree
This species is also called lacebark elm and is native to China, Vietnam, Tibet, Japan, Eastern Asia, Taiwan, and North Korea. The Chinese Elm grows fast and reaches a height of 33-50 ft. You can find its wind-pollinated tiny green and white flowers in the early autumn season. They transform into dry, brown disc-shaped samara fruits dispersing by late fall.
English Elm
An English elm, native to the United Kingdom, is one of the fastest-growing deciduous trees. It has smooth bark, and the leaves are small asymmetrical round or oval shapes with a hairy and rough surface. You can see its pink and dark red flowers in February and March as they’re hanging in beautiful tassels on the tree.
American Elm
Elm trees usually have inconspicuous flowers, but an American elm produces a much heavier bloom than other varieties. You can see its wind-pollinated flowers in drooping clusters along the twigs during early spring. They mature into elliptical papery brown samaras that are dispersed by early summer.
Winged Elm
Also called corked elm or Wahoo elm, the Winged elm is native to southern US woodlands. It has dark green leaves that turn bright yellow during fall. You can see its brown and burgundy flowers in March and April. They mature into short orange samaras dispersing by the end of April.
David Elm
David elms are relatively smaller and normally found in the wetlands across China, Korea, Siberia, Mongolia, and Japan. It has dark green pointy leaves that turn yellow in the fall. In spring, you’re able to see its wind-pollinated flowers that later transform into round papery samaras.
The Beautiful Flowers Of The Elm Tree
As you can see, there are plenty of elm tree flowers, each with different shapes, colors, and distribution patterns. Imagine how your home would look if you had a bonsai for each type, with the sun dancing on the petals and singing into the wind.