a to z bonsai gallery

L for Lemon

Let’s follow that one up with a species that’s definitely part of the Citus genus. I’m not sure how many of you have seen Lemon bonsai trees, but there are many in my town. It seems to be one of the more popular fruit bonsais around, especially if you manage to keep the lemons as small as possible.

The Lemon tree, known scientifically as Citrus limon, is native to Asia, mostly India. The leaves have a slight fragrance to them when you rub them between your fingers, and I’m sure you all know the bitter taste all too well. As a bonsai, the small white flowers put on a splendid show before the fruit appears.

I personally tried to grow some lemon seeds this year! I succeeded in germinating two of them, which grew into seedlings and rested well over the winter. Both of them have started growing again this spring and are back outside in full sunlight! I’m so happy!

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