The A to Z of Bonsai Trees

a to z bonsai gallery

Welcome to our very first bonsai gallery. I’ve decided to kick it off with an A to Z of bonsai trees, showcasing various species and genera under the appropriate letter. In most cases, we’re covering trees we’ve already presented on our website, while others are simply ones that I like.

With so many names in the bonsai world, it was easy selecting which trees I wanted in my alphabetical list. Perhaps your list would have been different. Even so, I hope you’ll enjoy the images and content I put together for you to read.

Please stay until the end. There will be a poll on the last page asking which name on the A to Z bonsai tree list you enjoyed the most. It will be interesting to see which one comes out on top, and I might even publish the results if we receive enough responses.

Alright! Let’s get started with the first one!

a to z bonsai gallery

O for Olive

There are two aspects I want to cover for the Olive bonsai tree. Firstly, there’s the Olea genus which has about 40 accepted species on the list. While that provides quite a bit of variety, the only two species I consider worth having as a bonsai are the European and the Cape olive trees. Their scientific names are O. europaea and O. capensis, respectively.

Besides delivering you delicious olives you can feast on, the Olive bonsai tree is also popular in many households, especially where I live. To some, their leaves are too drab, but they have beautiful flowers in the spring that spread down the length of the branch. I also love how the underside of the leaf has a silvery sheen, which glistens if you turn it to face the sunlight.

I have a wonderful Olive tree I bought a few months ago to turn into a bonsai. I left the leaves are they were for the winter, but the new spring is showing new leaves. The time is coming when I will be deciding what shape and style I want to design for this bonsai, but you can see it in its rough form above.

a to z bonsai gallery

And that’s it, folks! Which one was your favorite?

There you have it! It may have taken me a few hours to produce this alphabetical list of bonsai trees, but now you’re more educated than before. That means the world to me, sharing some knowledge so that it can continue to others. 

I want to know from you which is your favorite bonsai tree on this list. We have a poll here below where you can click your response and let us know. It’s completely anonymous, so you don’t have to worry about us stealing any information. If we receive enough votes, we’ll certainly share the details on social media.

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