Easy Ways for Air Layering Japanese Maple Trees

air layering japanese maple trees

Easy Ways for Air Layering Japanese Maple Trees There’s a Japanese word that describes the process of air layering as a plant propagation method: Toriki. Basically, you prevent nutrients from reaching a branch while still attached to the bonsai tree, forcing it to develop new roots. It’s also a stunning way to grow surface roots […]

Bonsai Tree Seedling Care And Maintenance

Bonsai Tree Seedling Care

Bonsai Tree Seedling Care And Maintenance One of the most rewarding parts of having small trees and plants is growing them from seed. There’s actually a Japanese term for this, called Misho. While it’s a wonderful experience doing so, the actual bonsai tree seedling care and maintenance needed will take years before you see a […]

How To Grow Pomegranate From Seed

grow pomegranate from seed

How To Grow Pomegranate From Seed A pomegranate tree is one that keeps on giving. If you know of a tree somewhere near you, one fruit can give you bonsai trees to last you a lifetime. The best part is that it’s incredibly easy to grow pomegranate from seed, as nature does most of the […]

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