Top 10 Oldest Trees In The World

oldest trees

Top 10 Oldest Trees In The World Standing tall through millennia, the oldest trees in the world are a fantastic sight to behold. Through their age, they tell a story that predates some of our favorite historical eras, having lived for thousands of years.  Though they may have suffered damage from weather, man, or other […]

The A to Z of Bonsai Trees

a to z bonsai gallery

The A to Z of Bonsai Trees Welcome to our very first bonsai gallery. I’ve decided to kick it off with an A to Z of bonsai trees, showcasing various species and genera under the appropriate letter. In most cases, we’re covering trees we’ve already presented on our website, while others are simply ones that […]

Pyracantha Bonsai | Ultimate Care Guide


Pyracantha Bonsai | Ultimate Care Guide You may know the Pyracantha bonsai by another name, namely, Firethorn. It stems from the Greek words pyr for fire and akanthos for thorn. These evergreen trees belong to the rose family, and they present a stunning display with colorful berries. In this ultimate guide for the Pyracantha bonsai […]