How To Identify A Japanese Maple?

How to Identify a Japanese Maple

How To Identify A Japanese Maple? Japanese maple can be planted as a small tree or large shrubs and grow up to 15 to 25 feet tall. The branches are broadly rounded and exist in layers.  Japanese maple trees are easy to spot with colorful leaves and smaller than other trees. These flowering trees are […]

How to Identify a Chinese Elm

How to Identify a Chinese Elm

How to Identify a Chinese Elm Identifying the bonsai you have is essential for knowing how to care for it. Often you’ll know what your bonsai is since it’s self-propagated or bought, but if you’re given one as a gift, the answer isn’t always clear. Proper care is especially important for Chinese elm bonsai, as […]

How to Identify a Hibiscus

identify a hibiscus

How to Identify a Hibiscus Hibiscus is a broad-spectrum genus of spectacular flowering shrubs, trees, and ground cover plants. The reason why I call it broad-spectrum is that within the genus, there are several hundred different species of flowers, each with its own unique identity. No two species are exactly alike, and some even look […]

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